Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2021


 This reflection dedicated to #GenerasiGIGIH2021 by Gojek. 

As a Data Analyst participant on #GenerasiGIGIH by Gojek, I learned many things. In the beginning, I only know about simple data processing by using Python in Jupyter Lab. Now, I know about creating data report attractively. Because people doesn't care how the data collected, cleaned, and processed. People only care the final presentation of the data. How good your analytics if it doesn't well delivered, it's non-sense.

Skill that I've learned are data processing by using python, critical thinking, analytical thinking, and story telling. It will be nice things if I sharpen those skills. But, I need to learn more about story telling for data presentation purpose.

There's a good habit that I can build when I join Generasi Gigih, that's the time management. It's very important especially for online boot camp. I have to know which one is my first priority to develop my data analytical skill.

Actually I want to be data-driven product manager. I've skilled some of product management skills but need to sharpen my data analytical skill. I believe there are 90% chance for me to be accepted as product manager because I have one most needed skills in tech era. I also have proven it by completing the intermediate class of Data Analyst that conducted by Gojek's foundation.

At the end, I'm very proud of my self for finishing this intermediate class. Hopefully this track will help me in the future. 

Senin, 02 Agustus 2021


It was 4 weeks since I joined #GenerasiGIGIH by Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa. Last week before I post this blog, we received the result of our leader board. I feel I have try my best. Since the evaluation based on how much you asked or answered questions in class (not your skill), I think this isn't best metrics to measure someone capability especially in Data Analyst, Front End, and Back End. So, the metrics doesn't tell me anything. It doesn't reflect anything from me. I believe I will make it until the rest of the class.

The lesson I learned from top board is always asking anything and you will get more points. Since the skill and knowledge isn't part of evaluation so far. For my fellow #GenerasiGIGIH who still in the bottom of leader board, do not be discouraged. You will make it. If I can suggest you, ask anything in the class. You'll get better score in the future. But after finishing this program, please sharpen your skill. People will see your skill not how many you asked in the class. 

Senin, 26 Juli 2021


If I can make an analogy, joining #GenerasiGIGIH on Data Analyst path like human civilization vs mother nature. Let the data be "mother nature" and someone with different expertise be "human civilization". When summer is changing into winter, the early human civilization have to prepare food, haven, and warm clothes. If not, they will die because of hypothermia. Mother nature does not need to adapt to humans civilization but human have to.

I realize that I join something that different from my future goal. A few year ago, I wanted to be a product manager and here I do right now. Product manager and data analyst are two different things. But to be a data driven product manager, I have to adapt with my new "mother nature". I have to learn data terms, how to get data, and provide analysis to support decision making. 

Adaption is hard but need to be done before something bad happen. That's why I have put 90% of my effort to learn data analysis. I am not put all my effort yet because I'm still searching the easiest way to link the product management and data analysis. I want to combine two of them. Once I got the easiest way to combine them, I will put all of my effort.

If permitted, I want to ask my friend especially they who shifting from their basic knowledge, "Why do you choose Data Analyst as your path on #GenerasiGIGIH? There are many jobs that can relate to technology information, why Data Analyst?"

Minggu, 18 Juli 2021


Generasi Gigih Gojek

When I was at college I took cyber security and computer hardware as my specialization. I also took up internet of things (IoT) security for my international journal. This journal processed thousand line of data to examine the IoT's safety. Before processing the data, I had to clean the data by deleting some unnecessary parameter.

Before joining Generasi Gigih especially the Data Analyst path, the things that I knew about data were collecting, cleaning, and processing. As I told on the first paragraph, I used a bunch of data just for processing it without any analysis that could support decision making. But when I started joining the first week, I realized that I learned many things.

I learned that data can be useful for every company and organization. But data is still data without any examination and analysis. Thank you to Generasi Gigih's mentor who really expert on the data and taught me many things during 2 weeks of class. 

Fast forward, let us talk about the assignment. I remember when the representative of Generasi Gigih on the opening of intermediate class told us that the Data Analyst participants will get peer project in the beginning of class. Until the second week, we still don't get it.

Creating a reflection isn't a bad thing, but wouldn't it be better if the Data Analyst participants get analysis-related task to do? According to our mentor on the second week, he told us that group simulation that we had done in real case can take minimum 20 days of work. It was impossible if we can do it for 20 minutes discussion. Instead of giving us the reflection task, please challenge us to create an analysis.

I believe this program can be more attractive than college's task. My task on the college was attractive especially the analysis task. But, this program should provide us more attractive task. The thing that I enjoyed this task is when I can remember again last week. But it doesn't help my analysis and critical thinking. Because it just remembering what I've done.

In the future, I want to be a data driven product manager as I told on the title. I want to process and analysis the data to create product that needed by customer. In the beginning I need to undertake a risky venture and data can help me to measure the next step of my product. This activity need a very high critical and analysis thinking. That's why I need analysis-related task than a bunch of reflection.

Jumat, 15 Mei 2020

Kalau kamu nyasar ke blog ini, artinya kamu lagi galau mau ambil jurusan Teknik Informatika atau....

Kebidanan desa.

Eh enggak deng, berjanda bercanda....

Mbah Sun Tzu dalam bukunya The Art of War mengajarkan, kalau kita mengenal diri sendiri dan musuh kita, maka kita tidak akan terkalahkan dalam ratusan pertempuran.

Dalam tulisan kali ini, kalian akan diajak untuk mengenal “musuh” yang harus kalian taklukan dalam 3 atau 4 tahun ke depan.

Brace your self....

1. Passion is Bullshit

Salah satu bab dalam buku Scott Adams (seorang kartunis) bertuliskan “Passion is bullshit” dan ini ada benarnya.

Buat kalian yang mau masuk jurusan Teknik Informatika, kalian gak butuh passion (gairah). Yang kalian butuhkan adalah konsep iteration (perulangan).
Karena ketika kalian mengandalkan “passion” dan suatu saat kalian tidak merasa bergairah dengan perkuliahan Teknik Informatika, di saat itulah kalian berpikir untuk nikah muda sehabis kelas Kalkulus.

Ingat, Teknik Informatika bukan hanya soal coding atau bahkan ngehack facebook mantan. Teknik Informatika adalah jurusan yang mempelajari “The whole entire IT department” pada suatu perusahaan.

Jadi, buang jauh-jauh passion kamu tapi jangan dengan konsep iteration.

2. Pakai Konsep Iteration

Dalam konsep algoritma dan pemrograman, dikenal namanya iteration atau dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut perulangan.

Konsep perulangan dalam pemrograman memiliki tujuan untuk menghasilkan output (keluaran) sejumlah perulangan yang diminta.

Dan konsep ini harus kalian miliki sebelum masuk Teknik Informatika.

Kalau kalian adalah seorang yang mau belajar terus menerus sampai kalian menemukan titik sukses kalian, kalian sangat cocok di Teknik Informatika.

Dalam konsep iteration dikenal juga perulangan dengan kondisi. Apabila suatu kondisi terpenuhi, maka perulangan dapat dijalankan. Jika sebaliknya, perulangan tidak akan terjadi.

Konsep ini juga harus dimiliki setiap calon mahasiswa Teknik Informatika.
Apabila dalam suatu keadaan kalian harus memilih antara hal yang mendukung studi kalian atau tidak, maka pilihlah yang mendukung dan ulangi terus menerus sampai (sekali lagi) kalian menemukan titik sukses.

Apabila kondisi tersebut tidak mendukung studi kalian di jurusan Teknik Informatika, tinggalkan dan jangan diulangi.

3. Algorithm is Fundamental

Algoritma adalah kerangka berpikir runut guna menyelesaikan perhitungan dan masalah.

Sebagai contoh ketika mau memakai sepatu.

Kita tidak mungkin memakai sepatu lebih dulu daripada kaos kaki kan?

Itulah salah satu contoh sederhana algoritma. Dan ini adalah wajib dimiliki setiap calon mahasiswa Teknik Informatika.

Kenapa harus punya konsep algoritma?

Agar tidak sulit untuk menggunakan bahasa pemrograman jenis apapun. Karena pada dasarnya yang dibutuhkan adalah pengetahuan tentang algoritma bukan bahasa pemrograman.

4. Equipment

Perang tanpa membawa senjata itu ibarat ke sawah tapi malah bawa garpu makan.

Buat kalian yang mau masuk Teknik Informatika, perlu diketahui beberapa peralatan yang kalian butuhkan.

Ya.... hanya laptop.

Laptop yang bagaimana?

Pastinya jangan bilang ke orang tua kalian untuk beli ROG atau Alienware.

Kalian cukup dengan laptop core i3 dengan RAM minimal 4 GB. Dan kalau mau kencang, bisa ditambah SSD.

Spesifikasi diatas cukup kok untuk anak Teknik Informatika.

So, jadi, maka...

Mulai saat ini kondisikan diri kalian untuk menghadapi perkuliahan di jurusan Teknik Informatika.

Aku berdoa semoga kalian tersesat di jalan yang benar.