It was 4 weeks since I joined #GenerasiGIGIH by Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa. Last week before I post this blog, we received the result of our leader board. I feel I have try my best. Since the evaluation based on how much you asked or answered questions in class (not your skill), I think this isn't best metrics to measure someone capability especially in Data Analyst, Front End, and Back End. So, the metrics doesn't tell me anything. It doesn't reflect anything from me. I believe I will make it until the rest of the class.
The lesson I learned from top board is always asking anything and you will get more points. Since the skill and knowledge isn't part of evaluation so far. For my fellow #GenerasiGIGIH who still in the bottom of leader board, do not be discouraged. You will make it. If I can suggest you, ask anything in the class. You'll get better score in the future. But after finishing this program, please sharpen your skill. People will see your skill not how many you asked in the class.
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